At lineacielo we are constantly collecting locations and points of interest all about tourism and tourism related activities.
The two main sections of our site are Mexico an the United Stated. All the information related to Mexico will be found in most cases in english. The information related to the United Stated will be mostly found in spanish, why is that? Well, we know for a fact that border tourism (mexicans traveling to border US cities in the states of California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas) is big and to make that traveling more appealing we will be featuring information about the most popular shopping venues plus the best cities can offer from dinning to theme parks. For our Mexico section we will be covering the whole country and the information will range from lodging, eating, shopping and every bit of information you would want to have in advance for your trip to Mexico.
Internet Marketing, Search and Affiliate Marketing
The ONLY conference for the hotel industry dedicated to efficiently maximise your online marketing strategies.
There is no doubt that eMarketing is fast becoming the most powerful marketing and distribution tool in the hotel industry and it is vital to understand how to use it effectively. There are many opportunities that are being missed in this fast paced environment including harnessing the power of new media channels, website optimisation and redesign, using user generated content and rich media and understanding the power of search.
This extremely interactive conference will cover these issues and also focus on reinventing traditional e-marketing strategies. Hotel eMarketing 2008 will not only allow you to learn from leading industry experts who already have successful campaigns, but also to be part of roundtable workshops and discuss with fellow delegates what works for them.
Turismo y promociones v.q. esta conformada por un grupo de profesionales en las áreas de turismo, hoteleria, mercadeo, ventas y publicidad. tenemos como objetivo primordial facilitar el aprendizaje de las personas que se desarrollan en la actividad turística y hotelera de venezuela. nuestro sistema de adiestramiento se orienta hacia el desarrollo y uso de la creatividad, respetando los procesos y necesidades individuales del participante, realizando actividades dinámicas que permiten compartir e intercambiar habilidades y destrezas, a través de una experiencia multisensorial.
Empresa de diseño web/gráfico, multimedia, e-mail marketing & desarrollo de software. La Secretaría de Medios de la Nación le otorgó el galardón de marca país a través de Presidencia de la Nación.
Ventas, Aseguramiento de Calidad, Reportes de consumidores
Hotel Protect: The Definitive Answer to Web 2.0 for the Hospitality Industry
Comprehensive Hotel Brand Management Consulting Services, from TIG Global Hotel review sites, travel blogs, consumer-generated content... in the modern world of "Web 2.0," your online reputation lives and breathes on hundreds of websites other than your own. Customers turn to countless online resources to judge the merit of your property, and determine the site of their next stay. Do you know what customers are currently saying about your hotel? How do you tap into this incredibly powerful consumer network, with so much influence over your Internet reputation? Take firm control of your online presence - with HotelProtect, the all-new brand management protection service from TIG Global. Register for HotelProtect as your all-inclusive source of Internet reputation management, and take advantage of a multitude of benefits.